Lightroom Tip Tuesday: How to Add Exceptional Contrast

How can you increase contrast after you reach 100? This Lightroom tip Tuesday will help you: The NEC in Birmingham is hosting “The Photography Show” and I am very excited to be speaking there. This Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, I will be speaking on topics ranging from Photoshop, Travel Photography, and AI. I’ll also be doing two book-signings at […]

Discovering One of the Most Useful Buttons in Lightroom

It’s one of those small things that is actually more powerful than you think. It’s not a particularly’sexy name’, but it’s what it does that makes it a superhero for workflow. The ‘Previous button’ is what it’s called. This is how it works: STEP 1: This is our original image. It’s a bit washed-out and “meh”. STEP 2: We tweak the […]

Exploring Adaptive Presets in Lightroom Classic: Part 1

Adobe’s latest updates have improved the ability to make AI-based choices. Check out the previous articles to get up to speed with how to use these upgraded Masking tools. This post will also cover how we can incorporate AI-based technology into presets. Exploring the Adaptive Presets In the Develop module, you may have noticed that there are […]