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Lightroom Tip Tuesday: How to Add Exceptional Contrast
How can you increase contrast after you reach 100? This Lightroom tip Tuesday will help you: The NEC in Birmingham is hosting “The Photography Show” and I am very excited to be speaking there. This Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, I will be speaking on topics ranging from Photoshop, Travel Photography, and AI. I’ll also be doing two book-signings at […]
Using Keyboard Shortcuts to Apply Keywords
If you are an expert keyworder (and you probably are!), this one’s for you – as it makes applying single or multiple keywords fast and effortless with just a quick keyboard shortcut! Here’s how it can be set up: STEP ONE: In Lightroom Classic, navigate to the Metadata menu on top and choose ‘Set Keyword […]
Achieving a Mimo-Style Black and White Aesthetic in Lightroom
This week, I will be flying to Budapest, Hungary to meet with my friend, KelbyOne instructor Mimo Mimdany. We’ll be teaching a workshop on travel photography to 12 amazing photographers. I thought I would share a tutorial on Mimo’s black and white style (he was our guest on The Grid). Below is a look at Mimo’s black […]
Lightroom Mobile Week – Day 2: Enhance Your Retouching with Just One Tap
Lightroom Mobile’s retouching capabilities are limited. But, with the latest update, Adobe has released a new free app called Photoshop Fix. It includes a direct link that allows you to move your image directly from Lightroom Mobile to Photoshop Fix to do any retouching. Download the Photoshop Fix free app from the App Store (it is only […]
Lightroom Tip Tuesday: Simplifying Relative Edits
What exactly is a relative edit? Just watch this short video, and it should become clear (you may even use this technique anytime this situation arises!). Pretty useful! Although this might not come in handy on an everyday basis, having it when needed can certainly come in handy. Thank you to all those who came […]
Taking Control of Your Photography
Last week, I shared an excerpt from an article that I wrote for Photoshop User Magazine. It covered and how to start off the year right with your catalog. I want to continue that with an excerpt of that article which discusses how you can be in control over the photos in your catalogue. Your Photos Your […]